Globalization and Localization Questions and Answers with Short Summary Unit-9 Lesson-6 Class 10 Social Notes

Short Summary of Chapter Globalization and Localization:


  • Globalization refers to the worldwide expansion and integration of markets, businesses, and societies as a result of technological advancements and increased communication and transportation. In broad sense globalization is a medium to correct world economy, culture and politics.
  • The technology and development originated in the developed countries are now being introduced in the developing and least developed countries. Foreign assistance, means of mass communication multinational companies, tourists, technology, education, human rights, politics, diplomacy etc. are assisting in the process of globalization.
  • The world has become a global village due to scientific development and market expansion. The services or goods provided to all over the world is a process of globalization.
  • In broad sense, globalization includes world economy, acculturation and global politics. There is no boundary for any access all over the world.
  • Human demands, economy, communication etc. are global issues to the world. Ideology also expands all over the world. This all includes the intimacy to the world as universal brotherhood.


  • Localization is the process of making a product or service relevant and suitable to a specific geographical location or culture.
  • It is also the process of carrying out an activity only in a particular area of the world, or the process of changing it to make it suitable for a particular area of the world. It focuses on new inventions to local skill and technology for its cultural identity, values and norms.
  • Federalism in Nepal also increases on the importance of localization. Direct participation of Civilian in politics, expansion of local services, socio-economic progress in local level, federal development etc are highly prioritized on localization.
    Globalization and Localization Questions and Answers with Short Summary

Questions and Answers:

1. What is globalization?

Globalization refers to the worldwide expansion and integration of markets, businesses, and societies as a result of technological advancements and increased communication and transportation. Economic globalization is probably the most popular and widely debated aspect of globalization. Cultural globalization is spread of culture of a place into foreign land and accepting others culture. It is a product economic globalization or is economic globalization a product of cultural globalization. Globalization is also a term that came into popular usage in the 1980's to describe the increased movement of people, their knowledge and ideas, and goods and money across national borders. It has led to It has led to increased interconnectedness among the world's populations, economically, politically, socially and culturally.

2. Define localization.

The act at limiting a particular thing or product to a specific area is known as localization. It is a process of emphasizing development by power decentralization, utilization of local resources and addressing local culture and economy. UNO also prioritizes localization by determining Millennium Development Goals for developing all the counties equally. Thus, it is the process limiting services, production and market to a local level for its rapid progress.

3. What are the merits of globalization?

The advantages or merits of Globalization are discussed below in points:

  1. Globalization broadens our minds. It develops the feeling of universal brotherhood and mankind.
  2. It helps us shake off narrowness. We get chance to compare ourselves with all people around the worlds which enrich our customs, manners, habits and eventually helps in development.
  3. Globalization has helped the global community in many ways such as to help eradicate poverty.
  4. It contributes in improving international relations and friendliness among different nations.
  5. The world has become global village where people can communicate with each other easily. The human life becomes global.
  6. Students can study anywhere in the world and can enhance their knowledge.

4. What are the demerits of globalization?

Demerits of globalization are as follows:

  1. People from the least developed and developing countries are comparatively less benefited with the development of Science and technologies due to lack of proper resources.
  2. Indigenous culture, tradition, value and norms get degraded due to influence of foreign culture increases.
  3. Due to dependency in economy poor and weak nations become weaker.
  4. Scarcity of skilled human resources is created due to brain drain V. Smuggling of drugs, use of arms and social deviation and infection of diseases increase.
  5. Gap between rich and poor countries increases. Extension of multinational companies affect in the national economy.
  6. Domination of rich countries on poor countries increases through various medium i.e. politically, culturally, economically.
  7. The environment has suffered greatly due of globalization. The poisonous gases released into the air by large industries have cause environmental pollution.
  8. Globalized businesses have exploited the natural resources of the area beyond the tolerable limit.
  9. Small, local and cottage industry have suffered a let due to the increased wave of globalization.
  10. The more technologically advanced countries will make economic exploitation to less developed countries.
  11. Greater possibility of disease spread in local area when a foreign person visits there.

5. Mention the economic features of globalization.

Economic globalization refers to the influence caused. by the economic independence. Economic globalization opens the global market of the goods produced at a particular place. Nowadays the labour market in the world is open for the labourers of the world. In the process of globalization economy plays the vital role because of its unique features. So, the economic features of globalization are as follows:

  1. Globalization involves in the increased integration and interdependence of national economy.
  2. Helps in the easy trade between the nations.
  3. Globalization of the international brands example: KFC, McDonalds’ have increased.
  4. Increase in the foreign investment.
  5. Growth of global monopolies such as big multinational companies gets opportunities to exploit customers.
  6. Power struggle due to economic status.
  7. Increase in the choice of goods.

6. How localization is different from globalization.

The differences between globalization and localization are listed below in the box:

1Globalization helps to improve relation with the world
to reduce poverty and trade imbalance
1Localization gives priority to develop the backward class.
2It focuses on the production of products that function in various cultures.2It focuses in the production of native products.
3Helps to internationalize the goods & labourers.3Discourages internationalization of the goods & labourers.
4Helps to create the environment to Consume quality goods
at low price due to international competition.
4Helps to promote nationalism against foreign interference in native economy.
5Helps to increase foreign assistance to the poor countries.5Creates self sustained economy and standard of living.

7. Prepare a model of news report mentioning the advantages from the sources of globalization.

Advantages of Globalization

Kathmandu, 16th February Nowadays, the concept of globalization has increased. Due to the effects of globalization, boundaries between the countries are getting lost and the world has become the global village. In this regard prof. stated that globalization is "A world without border" The globalization has mainly affected in the foreign assistance, communication, multinational investment, diplomacy, human rights etc. Due to such effects the least developed countries which cannot produce luxurious products as well as advanced electronics products etc are available there and has helped people to get access of such products.

The means of globalization have helped the developing countries to develop their countries in the model of the developed countries. Similarly the knowledge about the contemporary event which occurs in the foreign countries is obtained through various means of communication. The international labour market has been appeared for the labourers of the world. Example: The Nepalese workers are working in the gulf countries. Due to the free trade, trade diversification, increase in the capacity of labourers the countries like Nepal can get more benefit

8. Mention the positive and negative aspects of localization.

Localization has both the positive and negative aspects. They are as follows:

Positive Aspects of Localization:

  1. It given priority on the development of backward society/ class.
  2. It emphasizes on the people-centred development.
  3. It opposes outside world and interference of foreign countries and emphasizes in the protection of nationality.
  4. Focuses on production & consumption of local products to fulfil local needs.
  5. It plays effective role to preserve and protect local cultures and tradition of people.
  6. Discourages the internationalization of labourer and goods.
  7. Localization increase people centred development concept.
  8. It gives high priority to local production and its uses.
  9. It demoralizes the consumption of labour and products for international level.

Negative Aspects of Localization:

  1. International supply of goods and services gets affected.
  2. Gives priority for the development of limited and small area.
  3. Makes the native castes and classes orthodox about their tradition and culture.
  4. Deprives people from foreign culture and economy.
  5. Gives priority for the development of fixed geography and area rather than over all development of the nation.
  6. It creates objections to the consumption of multinational products and services in local level. It does not promote foreign products.
  7. It helps in the development of communal feeling and prioritizes on specific ethnic groups, cultural, religious values and norms. It makes the values and norms rigid to specify the community.
  8. It stops the internationalization of products, good and services. It decreases global feeling and universal brotherhood to the present world.

Therefore, localization to some extend is adopted for smooth development whereas it is a narrow minded concept to the modern world for global progress. The nations should utilize the concept of localization as per the need for smooth administration and conduction of development projects. It should also focus on the concept of modernization for making the world advanced in different way.

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