SEE Account Model Questions 2078/2079 With Answers Set-2 | Class 10 Office Practice and Accounting Model Solutions

SEE Model Questions of Account with Solutions 2079 Set-2

Welcome to the latest post on SEE Account Model Questions 2079 with answers set-2. This post is written and prepared specially for the students of class 10 studying Optional 2 subject Office Practice and Accounting (in Short Account Subject). The goal is to provide comprehensive and accurate solutions to the 2079 Account Model Questions. By reading this post Class 10 Office Practice and Accounting students like you will gain a clear understanding of the Office Practice and Accounting concepts, which will improve your chances of scoring better in exams. Get ready to boost your knowledge and excel in your exams with these up-to-date and reliable Class 10 Office Practice and Accounting Model Questions and Solutions.

SEE Account Model Questions 2078/2079 With Answers Set-2

Group A: Answer the following questions in one sentence:

1. Write the full name of GATT.

The full name of GATT is General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

2. Who appoints the governor of Nepal Rastra Bank?

The governor of Nepal Rastra Bank is appointed by the Government of Nepal.

3. Which part of balance sheet does bank overdraft record?

Bank overdraft records in capital and liabilities side of balance sheet.

4. When was Kumari Chowk Adda established in Nepal? Mention in B.S.

Kumari Chowk Adda was established on 6th Baishakh, 1828 B.S. in Nepal.

5. Why bank cash book is called multi accounts book?

 Bank cash book involves various accounts like- Cash Account, Bank Account, Budget Expenditure Account, Advance Account and Miscellaneous Account. Hence, it is called multi accounts book.

Group B: Give short answer to the following questions:

6. What is resolution? Explain two types of it.

The subject matter or topic which is presented in the meeting for discussion and decision is called a resolution.

Ordinary Resolution:

The resolution that is presented in the general assembly of a company is called ordinary resolution. The general meeting is the meeting of the shareholders of a company that takes place on the completion of a fiscal year. Such resolutions are related to the general and regular activities of a company. They are passed by a simple majority i.e. more than 50% of the shareholders.

Special Resolution:

A resolution that is presented in the special meeting of the shareholders is called a special resolution. A special or urgent meeting is conducted to discuss and decide on some special or abnormal cases. The resolutions which are to be passed by a specific majority i.e. 3/4 or 75% of the members even in the general meeting are also called special resolutions.

7. Introduce numerical filing method and mention four advantages and four disadvantages of it.

The filing under which files of persons or organizations are preserved in drawers or cabinet in numerical order is numerical filing method. In this method, when file is created, a certain number is written instead of name of person or institution. Files are arranged in the drawer in serial like 1, 2, 3, and 4 and so on.

The main advantages of numerical filing method are as follows:

  • Confidential: The files are arranged according to number not names. So this method is a confidential method.
  • Flexible: It has unlimited ground for the addition of new files. Hence, this is a flexible method of filing.
  • Suitable for large organization: This method is suitable for the organizations having a large number of files.
  • Quick location: This method ensures quick location of files through a separate index. The main disadvantages of numerical filing method are as follows
  • Unsuitable for small organization: This method is unsuitable for small organizations having less numbers of files and folders.
  • Costly system: This method of filing needs separate index and cabinet. So, it is costly. iii. Time consuming: Under this method, location of files is time consuming due to the need of referring the separate index card.
  • Not suitable for names: This method is not suitable for the organizations where names are more important than numbers.

8. Explain five procedures of foreign trade orderly.

The procedures of foreign trade are mentioned below:


This is the first step of foreign trade. An importer seeks information from the probable exporter about different aspect of goods and services. These aspects are price, quantity, quality, discount, credit facility, transportation facility, and modes of payment. Enquiry is made by an importer using different means such as letter, telephone, and email. This step of trade helps the importer to search for the best exporter of goods and services. This is sometimes made through international newspaper or media.

Reply/ Quotation letter:

After getting the enquiry from the importer, the exporter writes a letter replying all the queries made by the importer. The letter written against the enquiry is called the quotation or reply letter. It includes all the terms and conditions such as price, quality, quantity, discount, terms of payment, and modes of transportation. The quotation letter should not be tar from the reality so that the probable importer accepts it.

Purchase order:

After receiving quotation letter from various exporters, the importer selects the most appropriate supplier. Now, he/she sends a letter to the exporter ordering the goods or services which is called letter of purchase order. It contains the detailed information about the goods and services such as brand name and number, quantity, quality, delivery time and mode, and payment.

Letter of acknowledgement:

The exporter sends a letter to the importer informing that he got the letter of purchase order and the goods and services will be sent as soon as possible. This letter is called the letter of acknowledgement. It is also called the confirmation letter since it confirms that the exporter has accepted the purchase order.

Letter of credit:

An exporter exports the goods only against the bank guarantee on behalf of the importer. So, the importer should open the letter of credit with the local bank by submiting9 the necessary documents and charges. The importer gets the LC number which is sent to the exporter. The exporter presents the LC number to his/her local bank and gets the payment of the goods exported.

9. Why is new accounting system important nowadays? Justify with five reasons.

New accounting system is designed to provide required information, data, statistics and other financial details for administration and financial decisions. It is the base of financial administration and helps for formulation of plans and policies. It facilitates for preparation of budget and other financial statement.

The reasons of new accounting system may be reflected through the following points:

  • Source of financial administration
  • Formulation of plans and policies
  • Reflects financial transactions
  • Facilitates preparation of budget
  • Helps to control finance

10. If you were an accountant, which five points do you consider to prepare bank cash book?

If I were an accountant, I would like to consider the following points to prepare Bank Cash Book:

Basis of posting: Journal voucher is the basis of bank cash book; hence, journal voucher must be prepared for every financial transaction before posting them into bank cash book.

Posting of transactions: In bank cash book, amounts debited in journal voucher are posted in the debit column and amounts credited are posted in the credit column of the concerned accounts.

Recording of transactions: Posting of financial transactions related with cash account, bank account, budget expenditures account and advance accounts are made in the bank cash book. Amount of transactions are posted into corresponding accounts on the basis of journal vouchers prepared for them.

Recording in miscellaneous account: Miscellaneous account column is used to record those transactions which are not recorded in the above columns. Imprest fund, budget release, and petty cash fund are recorded in this column.

Recording of advance transactions: All the financial transactions except advance transactions are to be posted into two different accounts in bank cash book. Advance transactions are to be posted into three different accounts at the time of giving advances and also at clearing advances.

Recording imprest fund and budget release: Imprest fund and budget release are the only transactions recorded as receipts in bank cash book.

Recording of petty cash transactions: Petty cash fund expenses are recorded in Bank Cash Book only when reimbursement of such expenses is made.

11. Prepare Trial Balance of Limbu & Company, llam on 2073 Asar 31 on the basis of following.

Furniture1,75,000Bank Loan2,00,000
Trial Balance of Limbu & Company
As on 31st Asar 2073
Heads of AccountDebit RSCredit RS
Bank Loan-2,00,000

12. Prepare Profit and Loss Account of Karnali Ghee Industry on the last of Asar 2073 form the given transactions:

Gross Loss3,50,000Interest received90,000
Purchase discount50,000Salaries70,000
Commission received60,000Stationary25,000
Carriage outward55,000
Profit and Loss Account of Karnali Ghee Industry
For the year ended 30 Asar 2073
To Gross Loss3,50,000By Interest received90,000
To Salary70,000By Purchase discount50,000
To Stationary25,000By Commission received60,000
To Carriage outward55,000By Net Loss3,00,000

13. Prepare balance sheet of Sharma Guest House, Saptari on the last of Asar for the fiscal year 2072/073 according to the following particulars:

Debtors17,000Reserve Fund65,000
Net Profit1,98,000Cash balance22,000
Bills payable54,000Business premises8,35,000
Balance Sheet of Sharma Guest House
As on 30 Ashad 2073
Capital and LiabilitiesAmountAssetsAmount
Add: Net profit....1,98,0007,81,000Machinery26,000
Bills payable54,000Cash balance22,000
Reserve Fund65,000Business premises8,35,000

Group C: Write long answer to the following questions:

14. Introduce insurance and describe it’s any six functions.

Insurance is a contract by which one party, for a compensation called the premium, assumes particular risks of the other party and promises to pay to him or his nominee a certain or ascertainable sum of money on a specified contingency. The functions of insurance are discussed below:

Risk transfer:

Insurance transfers the risk borne by the insured to the insurer. For example, house and shop may catch fire and the car may be stolen. The potential risk of fire and theft may bring severe financial consequences to your family. By insuring house and business against fire and the car against theft, one can transfer the risk of fire and theft to the insurance company.

Creation of common pool of risk:

Creation of common pool of risk is another primary function of insurance. Every insurance company creates and operates such pool. They take contributions, in the form of insurance premiums, from many people and create the pool; and use the pool to pay the losses of the few.

Charge equitable premium:

The insurer must charge fair premium to the insured. Insurers determine equitable premium by considering the hazard and value of the property. Charging equal premium for properties with different level of risk would not be equitable.

Formation of capital:

An insurance company collects premium by the way of offering different insurance policies to various insured parties. The premiums collected are made available for investment in the productive section of economy. Thus, insurance company involves in the formation of capital required for investment in productive sector of the nation.

Enhancement in efficiency through assurance:

Insurance Company provides assurance of compensation against the possible losses. This creates the environment of working with security for individual and businesses. As a result, the individual and business can work with free of tension with increase efficiently.

Creates awareness against possible losses:

Insurance Company conducts researches on the way of minimizing the possible losses in various areas. It also launches the awareness program for the people and business in joint collaboration with government and various social agencies. This helps in developing insurable habits to the people.

15. Prepare A.G.F.No. 10 (Goshwara Voucher) of District Agriculture office Dolakha on the basis of following transactions.

a2073/7/20Received Rs. 4,00,000 as additional revolving fund through Nepal Rastra Bank.
b2073/7/23Petty cash fund of Rs. 10,000 was established through cheque No. 0135.
c2073/7/24Accountant Mr. Siyaram Chaudhary was given advance Rs. 25,000 for furniture
through cheque No. 0136.
d2073/7/29Paid Rs. 30,000 as house rent to owner Mr. Netra Karki for the month of Kartik
through cheque No. 0137.
e2073/7/30The salary for the month of Kartik Rs. 2,00,000 was distributed, deducting provident
fund Rs. 20,000 through cheque No. 0138.
Goshwara Voucher
Code No.ParticularsLFBH NoDebit Rs.Credit Rs.
aDr. Nepal Rastra Bank4,00,000
CR, Revolving Fund
(Being revolving fund received)
bDr. Petty Cash Fund10,000
Cr. Nepal Rastra Bank
(Being establishment of Petty Cash Fund)
cDr. Accountant Mr. Siyaram Chaudhary
Furinture and Fixture- advance
Cr. Nepal Rastra Bank
(Being advance for furniture
purchase Siyaramm was given)
dDr. B.E. House rent2212130,000
Cr. Nepal Rastra Bank
(Being paid to house rent for Mr. Netra Karki)
eDr. B.E. Salary211112,20,000
Cr. Provident fund20,000
Cr. Nepal Rastra Bank
(Being salary paid after deducting provident fund)

16. Prepare statement of expenditure of District Education Office, Kaski for the month of Falgun, 2072 from the following particulars.

BH No.Budget HeadsAnnual Appropriation(Rs.)Expenditure Up to Magh
Expenditure of Falgun(Rs.)
22121House rent3,00,0001,70,00060,000
29511Machinery and equipment50,00020,0003,000

 Additional information:

  1. Total revolving fund Rs. 12,00,000
  2. Bank balance Rs. 1,37,000
  3. Uncleared advance Rs. 5,000

Show the following from statement of expenditure:

  1. Total budget release upto Falgun
  2. Total expenditure upto Falgun
  3. Revolving fund balance
  4. Net expenditure
  5. Cash in hand

Government of Nepal
District Education Office
Statement of Expenditure
For the month of Falgun, 2072
of Falgun(Rs.)
Release Upto the
end of Falgun(Rs.)
Budget Head
Budget HeadsAnnual Appropriation
of budget (Rs.)
Expenditures upto the
end of Falgun(Rs.)
Balance of
60,0001,70,00022121House rent3,00,0002,30,00070,000
3,00020,00029511Machinery and equipment50,00023,00027,000

Revolving Fund Balance
Status of Fund
Total releases upto 30th Falgun12,00,000Bank Balance137,000
Total expenditure upto 30th Falgun10,95,000Cash Balance(32,000)
Difference:1,05,000Total Balance1,05,000
Un-cleared advance amount5,000Loan Payable (-)-
Net expenditures(10,95,000-5,000)10,90,000Loan Receivable (+)-
Deposit received (-)-
Working notes:

Cash Balance = Total Budget received - Total expenditure - Bank balance

=1,200, 000- 1,095,000- 137,000 = Rs. 32,000

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