Unit-4 Lesson-1 Human trafficking Exercise: Questions with Solutions | Social Studies Exercise

Human Trafficking Exercise | Unit-4 Lesson-1 Social Studies

1. What do you mean by social problem? Write in brief.

Answer: Social problem means any of such perverted human behaviour because of which our society gets hampered and the development process gets negatively affected.

Human Trafficking Exercise

2. Human trafficking is a social problem'. Put your logic and explain.

Answer: Human trafficking is obviously a social problem. This is the problem that got nurtured in the modern society caused by illiteracy, ignorance, unemployment, open border. Human trafficking has been seen in multiple forms, like- girl trafficking done by trickily selling innocent rural girls to brothel house in Indian cities, child trafficking done by taking ignorant and helpless children to other different places for child labour or circus house in Indi. And smuggling of human organs like kidney for someone's vested monetary interest. All these activities result at someone's victimization by taken to hellish and ruined life, where as some people take benefit in monetary or other ways by ruining others. These kinds of activities gradually keep on poisoning the society to thè worst kind of failure by violating our legal norms and values. People in our societies are left no more safe and secured. Monetary greed ruins someone's life.

3. Make an analysis over the reason of increasing trend of human trafficking in Nepal.

Answer: The Human Right's Commission's report reflects upon an alarming condition caused by different forms of human trafficking, which shows it being increased. The tricky way of girls or children's trafficking has this kind of increasing trend because of so many underlying problems and mistakes we have within ourselves.

Some reasons behind it are as follows:

  1. Ignorance prevailed because of illiteracy or lack of education in the young girls and other people in backward remote regions.
  2. Our open border provision with India in the east, south and west, so the traffickers find it easy to make easy access from the border with so many pretensions.
  3. The law of our country is not that much strong and restrictive enough to make this disgusting work totally discouraged or prohibited.
  4. The common problems like -poverty, unemployment has caused some people to take up such task, which they find it very excited and shameless to adopt.

4. State the causes of the girl trafficking.

Answer: Girl trafficking is a very biting problem being faced overall by our country. The caused behind it are as follows:

  1. This problem has been caused because of open border between India and Nepal.
  2. Our innocent and ignorant girls from backward region are tempted of dreamy life they are persuaded of. This desire unknowingly takes them to brothel house.
  3. The law of our country is no stronger enough to make the girl traffickers discouraged of doing such work.
  4. There is lack of awareness programmes, or the programmes haven’t been effective to stop the activity.

5. Write in points about the measures to be taken on stopping human trafficking.

Answer: Stopping human trafficking is a great essence for us. Unless it is stopped we may always have such activities repeated by bringing many other problems in our society. So following measures should be taken to stop it:

  1. Education, awareness programmes should be targeted at such areas where there is maximum chance of having this crime. The NGOs and INGOS working in this field should be monitored for their efficiency.
  2. The government should try to generate different kind of employment, skill development or any suitable programmes, which may reduce the risk of falling into the prey of such works.
  3. The border should be restricted in any effective ways by mobilizing more volunteers, workers, police so that there is no chance of daring into such activities.
  4. The law should be enacted very tightly against these kinds of doers. They should be penalized very severely to make others discouraged doing so again.

6. Any of the social problems might be troubling your community. State -what kind of problem is that? What are the effects created by such problem? Discuss with your parents, make a, conclusion and present it in your classroom.

Answer: I am Rajesh, the student of grade nine. After the study on the topic of human trafficking, as I was bound to make a project work, I collected so many facts on the social problems taking support of my father.

I live in a village of Sindhupalchowk district. It is located in the distant part of the district. The village majorly consists of Tamang people by cast. The people over here live with complicated living standard because this place is located at northern part, affected by Himalayan climate. Agricultural production is very poor. They produce barley, potato and rear animals. Children’s enrolled at schools almost have chance of dropping out. They are not much conscious about the, importance of education, rather they get interested of doing house hold works, or working as a potter, or a herdsman etc. Some unemployed people even go to the nearby towns or cities like Cahutara, Barhabise, Banepa or Kathmandu valley.

In such, complicated socio-economic conditions some people have shrewd mentality. One of the most troublesome and worrisome social problem called as human trafficking, begins at this situation. Taking advantage of innocent and straight-forward nature of the young girls, some wicked and evil-minded young lads trap them into their false impression. And treacherously, they are no sooner taken and sold at the brothel house in different cities of India.

This problem has created fatal effects. Many young ladies have been disappearing from the village and have become the victim of a hellish life. Once they are sold and left out there, it is often difficult to release from there, unless one is almost rotten with fatal diseases. This kind of problem is sure to cause HIV/AIDS through prostitution in the community. Likewise, the chance of committing suicide may increase because of depression, insulation, hatred, lacking support.

7. For fulfilling one's desire and satisfaction, these days we have found the most contemptuous act like human trafficking in different forms. What may be the effects caused by this problem? Discuss on it working in pairs and present it in your classroom.

Answer: Group one:

According to the facts and instances we studied on, human trafficking is one or the most disgusting social problem. We have commonly known that girl trafficking is one way of human trafficking, but human trafficking has been done through other forms, like- child trafficking to other countries as adopted child, or, pretending them for any participation in international seminars or competition. Likewise, it has also been known that nowadays the trafficking has taken a new form of selling one's sensitive organs like kidney for the sake of money.

According to our basic understanding and study, human trafficking is basically a forced kind of inhumane crime. It is done by making false impression over others, or some of them are even threatened or cheated. These problems occur because of financial condition. When an unemployed person finds a tricky method of easily making someone into a trap by making into tricky impression, someone innocent gets victimized. On the other hand, the greed and dream of beautiful and colourful life cause innocent girls easily trapped These activities often take place because of weak implementation of law, and lack of fear in the consequences of such crime.

Group two:

We too made some study on human trafficking and its causes. In our understanding, it is a worst kind of crime, for one's earning some innocent, poor and straightforward persons are compelled to fallen into the trap. This trap is so inhumane that until one gets rid of it, the life is almost ruined and no means getting recovered.

It is all caused because of lack of awareness that someone is getting victimized. Poverty causes ignoring education, ignoring education results at getting into so many deceptive situations. On the other hand our open border, weak and non-restrictive laws are some reasons that many of such problems are taking place in the form of crime.

8. "Problems develop maturity in people". How far do you agree with this statement? Are you one example or are there any such person around you who best suit this statement? What can we learn from such people?

Answer: In some extent I agree with the above statement. In fact, it is always not the problem' that makes someone matured. There are other factors too, that makes someone matured.

Maturity in the above statement means boldness, or some positive quality resulted by problem.

I am also a part of suitable example for this case. As far as I make a flashback memory of my student life in school days, we were very much troubled by the unavailability of specific subject teachers of mathematics, science and English. My school was located at the distance of around four hours from the district,, headquarter. We were accustomed to this kind of problems. The School Management Committee was also helpless regarding this issue. But when were in grade nine, the problem became more intense. In the meetings held between the students and teachers, or the meeting between the Management Committee and the guardians, the issue of unavailability o some important subject teachers was raised sharply., In fact, the Management Committee also informed that they had complained about it at the District Education Office, they never denied, but the teachers were difficult to De found. Our school was not a private English School to immediately manage teachers, it was a community School. Teachers intending to work showed n desire to come there because of difficulty in transportation, lack o accommodation. The management committee even informed and wrote about the complaint to the Village Development Committee.

We had almost been hopeless. We were compelled to do something ourselves. Our head teacher of the school also did his best to help us according to whatever his knowledge he had. He brought some manual so as to make us feel some more comfortable. My father also did his best to search it from the book stores while he went to the towns. During that time, there was no computer, no internet or any other advanced technologies to get some effective support. Our hard work, group discussion, support provided by some senior brothers and sisters in our locality, who had been studying in college level, made me able to pass the SEE exam.

If we had not done our self- effort, probably we would have failed the exam. The then circumstantial problem gave us moral idea on doing something on our own.

9. In different news media, we Listen and read that many children go missing. We don't normally find them being discovered or found. So where would they probably get disappeared? Why don't they return back? Make a research-based study and mention the probable answers in your class.

Answer: Through newspaper and other media, we listen about the disappearance of children only, but listen nothing about their recovery. It is an alarming problem. As such our classmates decided to go on a study in groups to find out its actual cause all this fact.

 According to our study at Human Rights Commission, they reported that the disappearance is one sensitive problem. Open border of the country has caused main problem of girl trafficking. They even said that the disappearance of the girls is even difficult to be traced. The so-called Nepali agents of the brothel house in Indian cities trick them in such a way from remote villages that they are no sooner taken there under their false impression. Once they are trapped into it, it is difficult to get them back unless they are thrown out from there infected by HIV AIDs.

Our, group visited the CWIN (Child Workers in Nepal), a renowned child related social organization in Nepal. According to the study made there we found the fact that they are missing for abuse and torture. Those who are missing are the abandoned ones, mentally or physically retarded. Their missing is not taken seriously, or even some parents whose children are found later even do not report abound their recovery.

10. In recent days, the viral news have been spreading regarding the trafficking of human organs by the smugglers. Do you find some instances and incidents taking place in your community? If so, visit the locality and make a report.

Answer: This news has gone viral these days. The nature of crime has taken different forms in the modern life. I haven't listened to any such incident in my locality but according to the newspaper the victims of these people are known to be from poor economic background and from other corners of the country.

As far as I have listened, the gang involved in this notorious act is very clever. They give false impression to people for health check- up and recovery. Later they are taken to India for surgery and their kidney is taken away and sold to other needy people. Out of this they earn money in a very inhumane way.

I would like to relate a story of an uneducated and low standard person of Kathmandu district called Nawaraj, who was offered by his site foreman at a construction site that he would receive 30 lakhs rupees.

11. What do you mean by human trafficking? Write its causes and list out their solutions as they help to control it.

Answer: The illegal process of moving human away for the purpose of using them in prostitution, labour exploitation, selling their organs and other morally wrong purposes is known as human trafficking. The causes of human trafficking are:

  1. Unawareness in people about the ways they are possibly trafficked.
  2. Interest of traffickers to make better earning in short time.
  3. Feeble law with loopholes for the culprit.
  4. Poverty and unemployment.
  5. The solutions for human trafficking:
  6. Disseminating appropriate information and knowledge to the people of prone zone.
  7. Ambition of earning faster should be given up.
  8. Strong law protecting the commoners.
  9. Employment and improved economy.

12. Why is child trafficking illegal? What is your role to control it?

Answer: Child trafficking is illegal because it destroys the future pillars of the country and increases social crimes. It also weakens family bond and provokes social prosperity. It creates fear in the society and minimizes personal progress of people.

The roles that I can play to control child trafficking are as follows:

  1. Making children aware of possible trafficking.
  2. Helping concerned authority for controlling child trafficking.
  3. Sharing learned things with family and neighbours.
  4. Creating mass pressure to develop appropriate laws.

13.  Prepare a conversation about social problem, its causes, respective solutions and role of every individual to minimize it.

Answer: Conversation

(Ram and Hari are friends and talking to each other about social problem, causes, solution and role of individual to minimize it. Here it goes.)

Ram: Hello Hari, how are you?

Hari: I am good. What about you?

Ram: I am also good. Hari, can you tell me about the social problems in your village?

Hari: Sure, as I am from western hill of Nepal, there are Chhaupadi and Deuki as the major social problem. Can you do yours?

Ram: Oh yeah, I belong to the Terai of Nepal. In my area, there are Dowry and Untouchability. Hari, what might be the causes or social problems in your region?

Hari: I think they are caused due to uneducation and ignorance. People are not aware enough regarding the impacts of social problems in their areas. Tell me about yours.

Ram: In my area, the social problems are caused due to the same reasons. How can we solve those problems?

Hari: I think they should be solved by creating awareness and providing access of everyone to education. What do you think?

Ram: I also think the same as you do. We can talk more to our teacher. Let's go to him now.

Hari: Sure, let's go.

14. Mention some legal provisions and role of school and community member to control various social problems.

Answer: The laws of Nepal restrict any kind of discrimination based on any of the social bases. Even in the constitution of Nepal, the people involved in the discrimination, misbehave or other activities.

  1. School and community members may play the following roles to control social problems.
  2. Participate actively in the programmes organized against social problems.
  3. Share each other's knowledge and information with the people in contact.
  4. Organize programmes like public hearing participating the people of prone zone.
  5. Make efforts to take help from concerned authority and assist in solving problems.

15. Although human organ transplantation is safer for health, human organ trade is a crime.' Explain with example.

Taking important organs from someone's body and keeping it into some other's body by the experts is simply known as organ transplantation. It is possible only in hospitals and by the experts. This is good because it saves lives of people and gives them a dignified life. Now a day’s people also have started donating organs of their body after death.

But, organ of human body should not be traded. This will create social chaos. Some might be attracted for giving own organs for money. Some addict may do it for managing money for their addiction. In the countries like Nepal, poverty may compel people for selling their organs like kidney, lever for assuring fulfilment of their daily needs. Poachers may be attracted there in such activities and society may move towards criminal difficulties. So, trading human organs without fulfilling legal procedures created crime in the society. This has recently been caused in Timal Village of Kavre district where people sold their kidneys for money due to poverty. It is an asocial act. It has been stopped now.

16. Write a letter to the local level government officer requesting for help to prevent child and human organ trafficking that has taken place in your community.

Answer: A letter to the local level government officer


The Chairperson

Telgha Village Palpa, Nepal

Subject: To prevent child and human trafficking

Respected Madam/Sir,

With respect, I would like to mention that our municipality has recently had a severe social problem caused. That is selling of organs by some people of Telgha Gaun. It is caused due to poverty and lack of awareness in them. It is an asocial work. It should be stopped before if spreads in other part of the municipality. We wish to get support from you for controlling this in our area.

Madam/Sir, some of the youths of our area have formed an organization and started patrolling in the area. We also have initiated to identify the victims. If you support us, we can make our programmes more effective.

Hoping to hearing you positively,

Thank you.

Ram Prasad

Telgha, Palpa


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