Unit-2 lesson-2 Ongoing Projects in Nepal Exercise: Questions & Answers | Class 10 Social Studies

Exercise of Ongoing Projects in Nepal, Unit-2, Lesson-2 Class 10 Social Studies.
Ongoing Projects in Nepal

1. What is a development project?

Answer: A certain plan and programme fixed for the infrastructural change at a certain place with its period of completion, investment, and target area bringing positive changes in human lives is a development project.

2. How can development project be important?

Answer: It can be important as it is expected to bring positive changes in the social and economic aspects in the lives of the people of a certain area and promote the national development.

3. What is a distinct feature of the Upper Tamakoshi Hydro Power Project?

 Answer: A special feature of this project is that it has been promoted with the financial sources of our own country having strong financial support from Nepal Telecom, Citizen's Investment Fund, Karmachari Sanchaya Kosh and the Nepal Electricity Authority and is expected to be cheaper.

4. Which are the financial supporting agencies (donors) of maximum development projects in Nepal?

Answer: Most of the mega projects whether they are of hydro power or highways or other constructions they are either the World Bank or ADB (Asian Development Bank) or JICA (Japan International CO-operation Agency).

5. What is the main objective of President Chure Conservation Programme?

Answer: The main objective of this programme is to bring co-ordination between development and environment targeting the ecologically weaker 26 districts in Nepal.

6. How does the Pokhara Regional international Airport become supportive in our development?

Answer: It basically simplifies and comforts the over-dependence of the only international airport in Kathmandu, and also it ensures the flow of more number of tourists with easy access to other touristy centres in Nepal.

7. Enlist the possible infrastructures of a development project.

 Answer: Until a development work gets accomplished completely, a development project gets associated to various factors. The possible infrastructures of a development project are: Educational Sectors, Health Sectors and so on.

8.  Present information in your classroom collecting facts through different sources about the following ongoing national level development projects in Nepal.

  • Bheri Babai Diversion Multi- purpose Project:

This is a project of national pride with the multi- purpose plan to transfer 40 m3/s water enabling to provide year round irrigation to cultivate around 51,000 hector area land in drier plains of Banke and Bardia districts of Nepal, along with generating the power of 48 MW out of it, which will help in easing cultivation, where no other alternate is there except depending upon rain water that is lesser than the eastern terai region.

  • Terai Hulaki (postal) Road:

This is another important national level project. It aims at connecting eastern to far western terai (Jhapa to Dudhaura) of Indo-Nepal border in two phases within the period of 2015 - 2021 A. D. This undergoing project extends in around 1,700 KM, parallel to Mahendra highway near the border area. This highway is named as Hulaki, meaning postal, as they tend to be accessible to 20 districts in the plain along the chure hills. It has designed total of 149 bridges on the way of which 58 are reported of being completed

  • 2nd International Airport, Nijgarh, Bara:

To assist the mono-burden, shouldered by the only Tribhuwan International Airport in Kathmandu, the next international airport is underway of construction according to the feasibility study completed by a Korean company. Bitious project is, too, planned to be accomplished under two phases. This ambitious project has been designed to extend in 3,000 hectors land (2,000 hectors for airport site and the rest for airport city consisting various other infrastructures. The runway will occupy around 4,000 metres with 21 aprons (parking hanger for planes) which will be 15 international carriers, 4 for domestic and 2 for cargo flights and also with the capacity to accommodate super jumbo Airbus A 38. The first phase is estimated of the cost of around 650 $ million.

  • Pashupati Area Development Trust:

This trust is operated under the Pashupati Area Development Trust Act 1987. It was established to conserve and operate the temple with many religious and other holy activities. It also operates charitable institutions like Hindu funerals, old- age orphanage, Pashupati crematorium etc.lt encompasses a huge surrounding area including another important religious site Gheshwori, Pingalasthan, Chabhil, Gaurighat, Kutumbahal, Gaushala, Slesmantak forest area occupying around 264 hectors land area. It has been enlisted in the UNESCO world heritage site in 1979A.D.

  • Melamchi Drinking Water Project:

This project is a very ambitious project to fulfill the growing demand of drinkable water to quench the explosive population of the Kathmandu valley. It has targeted to supply 17 crores litre of water from the river named Melamchi in Sindhupalchowk district with the construction of huge pipeline piercing through tunnel. It was donated by the Asian Development Bank, other donors and the Nepal government as well. Currently, it is under active functioning to supply the water by Ashoj month of 2074. It survived huge political games in its planning and design.

9. Suppose that if you were appointed the member of the National Planning Commission, how would you plan to develop your area? Why? Present it with the discussion in your class.

Answer: If I got an opportunity to get appointed as a member of the reputed national level organization like National Planning Commission, it would be a great honour and a challenge as well. It is such an institution which has a very sensitive role to build up Nepal with a short-term and long- term goals. I would get a chance to support my own village with such plans that would necessarily enhance the potentials of my area. I don't mean that I would be more selfish enough to only care my own place; priorities would be laid on other places too. I would plan to develop my place in the following ways because:

  1.  I would like to focus on the back warded areas rather than already developed areas
  2.  This area has more potential because if this area is promoted it will help promote other five districts simultaneously as it is like a regional centre.
  3.  This place has lots of potential to utilize and promote its local products like milk products, cash crops like cardamom, tea, varieties of vegetables.
  4. To make proportionate development.

10. Clarify the importance and necessity of development projects for the development of nation.

Answer: Development is a unanimous need of every people. For the promotion and standardization of human life infrastructural development in various aspects is very essential. Participation of people in development makes the development stronger, but addressing on the developmental aspects associated to people, planning, implementation are all the initiatives to be taken from the government side.

Development projects are runes per the need and finding potential to raise the standard of entire people of the particular and concerned region. The development projects become supportive to make wise and appropriate utilization of local means and resources. It is even important to reopen more opportunities through it. Nothing is so much successful than the overall improvement in the life-style of people which is after all a pride and strengthening method of the whole nation. A systematic operation of a development project is sure to sensitize the environmental issues, which will result at sustainable development. More number of economic activities are held by the people. There may be chance of promotion of small or large scale industries, which will fulfil domestic demands and also reduces huge pressure of import. It will further enhance internal and external trade.

Running of development project is a need of time. When infrastructural development in every sector advances, social, economic, political, cultural issues get addressed. When efficiency level of people increases, it will enhance the HDI level along with PCI, GDP, GNP and GDI, which are the overall aspects of the development of the nation. The policymakers, concerned authorities should bear this fact in mind. These things help reducing corruption, which jeopardizes the development of the whole nation.

11. A trend has been established for the delayed accomplishment of development projects in Nepal. Mention the causes behind it and point out the possible measures for its solutions.

Answer: Most of the larger development projects of national pride have never been completed within the stipulated time. The causes behind them are as follows:

  1. The so-called people with vested interest try to prolong the task and take unnecessary advantage of getting involved in the job with attractive salary.
  2.  Sometimes the development projects get delayed because of natural disasters like floods, landslide, earthquake, or political hurdles like workers' strike, country or any territory -wide closure.
  3.  Sometimes it may get delayed because of technical disorder, financial irregularities, problem in supplies of necessary goods etc.
  4. Some possible measures to solve them are:
  5.  Make political commitment from the concerned stakeholders for not making any kind of political obstacles.
  6.  The contractor company should give continuity to the project work with necessary advanced arrangement, so no any shortages occur.
  7. The workers issues should be addressed before they are hired, and an agreement should be done that there will be 'no work, no pay’ against any improper hurdles.

12. Present your arguments on your opinions about the development projects completed under the investment within the country itself.

 Answer: Development is very frequently needed to the people of every country whatever is its funding source. It is a misfortune of conducting one own country's developmental activities under the foreign financial or technical dependence. So, the financial sources managed within the country itself are always a matter of glory for the following reasons:

  1. First of all the national financial sources reduce our dependence on others and the country gets free of burden of loan and interest.
  2. We understand the value of the project and hence the work is done more seriously with high sense of sincerity and responsibility.
  3. Nepalese technicians, eligible workers get preference to use their own skill, idea and knowledge which will later boost up confidence and efficiency in doing other national development works.
  4. The government and the concerned Nepalese investors will be able to take direct profit and its turnover.

13. What may be the advantages of the Mid-hill East-West (Pushpa Lal) Highway to the people? Present your logic.

Answer: Pushpa Lal Highway is a very ambitious project of national glory that started being constructed since the fiscal year 2064/65 with own source of the Nepal government. It links Chiyo Bhanjyang of Panchthar district in the east to Jhulaghat of Baitadi district in the far west of Nepal targeting to complete by 2074/75. It’s possible advantages are traced out as follows:

  1. Many places in the mid hills which remained detached of road services got linked finding their good fortune for future.
  2. Many places where people remained idle with isolation and backwardness would soon find bright prospect of making the utilization of their own locally available resources like agricultural, traditional products and skills.
  3. People may now save time and money in operating any works with easy and quick access even if they have to visit any places.
  4. The troubles caused because of political unrest, any road accidents or any other reasons in other road networks may be altered easily by using this highway.

14. Select any mini level project that can run around your school or village premises dividing your class into smaller groups. Give a chance for any group to select a project, like -Cleaning the school premises and management of wastage.

 Answer: Prepare and implement you project on the basis of following points:

  1.  Name of the project
  2.  Objectives
  3.  Necessary materials
  4. Identification of source
  5.  Date of conducting and completion
  6.  Necessary human resource
  7.  Estimated cost

 (A group of five students named- Sudha, Nabin, Bimita, Abinash and Jisan of Grade X of our school called Symphony English School, located at Pingalasthan, Gaushala, just at the bank of Bagmati River chose a project task of cleaning of School premises)

  • Name of the project: Cleaning of our own School premises and adjacent  area of the Bagmati River.
  • Objectives: to make students get indulged in sanitation programmes in the School and the Bagmati river, make them understand the value of Cleaning the schools and the river and also arouse the sense of responsibility
  • Necessary materials: At least 5 to 6 pairs of hand gloves, similar number of masks, at least 3-4 dust pans and similar number of large scale dirt bins, a shovel and anti-sceptic medicines like Dettol or Savlon and soap.
  • Date of conducting and completion: It may start at around 7:30 in the morning and take around 5 to 6 hours (in the presence of a teacher) V. Necessary human resource: This project, as said earlier, is a mini project and of ordinary level. There is a direct involvement of maximum 5-6 persons, not necessarily a skilled one, guided under a teacher on how to manage the wastage.
  • Estimated cost: This mini project is of a micro budget of hardly 2000 Nrs upon the completion.
  • Identification of source: Proper identification of source required is the key component for the success of any project.

15.  If you are a member of National Planning Commission, what kind of project would you launch in your province? Why?

Answer: National Planning Commission assists the Government of Nepal to design its periodic programmes. Yearly budget for every fiscal year is also designed accordingly. If I were a member of National Planning Commission, I would launch a project for managing drinking water in my province. As the province is spread mostly in the Hill and Mountain region of Nepal, there is scarcity of drinking water in most of the towns and villages.

 The project is chosen for my province due to the following reasons.

  1. Water sustains our life. Without water no one can maintain living. To fetch water for the use of households, females and males have to spend a huge time. If water is supplied there though pipes, their time and labour can be used in other more productive sectors.
  2. People have been compelled to use drinking water from open sources which has caused various forms of communicable diseases. To keep the people away from disease, it is essential to supply drinking water there in a managed way.
  3. Even the constitution of Nepal has assured right to health for the public as a fundamental right. To make people feel that they there are cared by the state in their need, people need to fulfill drinking water supply.
  4. Sanitary needs will be managed from enough supply of water. It controls spread of diseases, too.

16. How is the progress of the ongoing projects in Nepal? Collect the detail from various sources (Like- internet, books etc.).

Answer:  Nepal is an under developed country. Though it has high potential in hydropower and tourism, they have not been optimally consumed. They are yet to be explored. The Government of Nepal yearly permits for new projects and manages resources for the additional ones. Though there are lots of efforts made in Nepal, many of them are not being run according to the required way. As per the details available in internet or other sources on the situation of Nepali projects, it seems dissatisfactory. About 20% of them only is completed according to the system of management. Half of the rest seems to be gradually running. Other are ignored or not given high priorities from the authorities concerned.

Here we can present an example of some of the failed projects, that once were considered as the projects of national pride. Melamchi Drinking Water Project was declared as the project of national pride in 2048 BS by the then government of Krishna Prasad Bhattarai. Even though this project was also kept in high priority by the following governments, it has not yet been succeeded. Similarly, the authority of constructing the Fast Track to connect Kathmandu with the Terai through the shortest roadway has been in trouble due to some political limitations. It has finally been decided that the project will be run the Government of Nepal itself. Some high level agreements with the investors of Chinese companies have gone in vain. India shows high interest in the projects of Nepal, but the record shows that it has not been successful in many cases.

Many projects run with public private partnerships in Nepal seem more successful in Nepal. They are going on well.

On the other hand, Nepal has not been able to bring better investment from the European and American countries. So, managing for the investment of national and international investors is necessary for development of Nepal. There should be strict rule and regulations declared for the investors. Only then the progresses of projects go better in Nepal.

17. Discuss briefly the need and importance of the projects for the development of the nation.

Answer:  A project plays very important role in the development of the nation. Some of the need and importance of the projects for the development of nation are presented below.

  1. Projects increase the infrastructures of the site. Locals can be benefited from this.
  2. b. Development of Human Resources as per the need of the project takes place in the region.
  3. Organization of development administration takes place, and culture of group efforts grow.
  4. People feel responsible for building the nation and contribute as much as possible due to the improvement in their life.
  5. National economy grows and national development accelerates.

18. Why are the projects not completed as scheduled in time in Nepal? How the problem be solved? Write in points.

 Answer: If we forget some of the exceptional cases, most of the projects fail in Nepal. Several reasons have been identified in Nepal behind the situation. Some of them are presented below.

  1. Poorly managed ideas and the execution of inefficient policies
  2. Undefined objectives and goals
  3. Lack of management commitment
  4. Lack of a concrete project plan
  5. Lack of organizational support
  6. Centralized proactive management initiatives to combat project risk
  7. Enterprise management of budget resources
  8. Poorly defined roles and responsibilities
  9. Inadequate or vague requirements
  10. Stakeholder conflict
  11. Insufficient resources (funding and personnel)
  12. Overruns of schedule and cost
  13. Inadequate testing processes
  14. Bad decisions

For the reasons mentioned above, the following ways may be applicable in order to control them.

  1. Proper management
  2. Determined objectives
  3. Financial management
  4. Strong rules and regulations
  5. Management of sufficient resources
  6. Management of conflicts
  7. Making timely and right decision

19. What is considered as the infrastructure of the projects? Describe

Answer: Infrastructure means the prerequisite that supports development for better results. Achieving the targeted goals becomes possible by the proper development of infrastructures. The infrastructures of development are also the infrastructures of the projects. The infrastructures of the projects are mentioned below.

  1. Physical resources- land, water, building, road etc.
  2. Economic resources- funding, investment
  3. Human resources- human power and their skills
  4. Social resources- human skill, knowledge, efficiency etc.

20. Why is it good to run projects with the national funding? Give your logic.

To run the projects in any country generates income from either national or international investors. Basically, Nepal like countries depend more on international donations, grants, investment etc. As far as possible it is good to run projects with the national funding. The reasons behind it are presented below.

  1. It stops outflow of Nepalese currency to other country.
  2. Locals and experts get employment opportunity.
  3.  Nepalese investors are encouraged by this system.
  4. The benefits that we achieve can be used for national development.
  5. The feeling of ownership develops among the consumers and investors, as a result unwanted obstacles are not created.
  6. Local means and resources are utilized properly.

21. Divide your class into four groups. Entrust the first group with the daily responsibility of collection of various projects published in daily newspapers, second from the weekly, third fortnightly magazines and forth from the monthly magazines. Prepare a news to be published in a newspaper on the basis of the descriptions published in the newspapers.


Solar Power Project

Our correspondent,

Kathmandu, April 15

A 15 year project has been run by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), an international organization and Government of Nepal.

 It is scheduled to be implemented in various phases. The first phase started in 2003 and will end in 2008. The programme has been running all over the country through the Ministry of Education and Sport. This programme aims at increasing students' involvement rate, providing access of secondary level education to everyone and improving the physical infrastructure required for school education. The programme also revises the school curriculum, develops textbooks and provides and promotes training and necessary materials for training. This project has assisted the government of Nepal to materialize its dream to provide education to everyone to a great extent.

22. Development projects running in the country are not being completed in the given time, due to the reason, the scarce means and resources have been wasted. What can be done for implementing the projects in time and sharing the benefit to the targeted people? Write your suggestions in four points.

Answer: Following things can be done for implementing the projects in time and sharing the benefit to the targeted people:

  1.  Prepare such effective plan which can be implemented nicely and result can be shared with the targeted people.
  2.  Collect required amount of money and human resource to implement the projects.
  3.  Carry on the activities of the projects smoothly and solve the problems that occur during the implementation of the projects.
  4. Monitor and evaluate the projects as per required or its successful implementation and knowing the pros and cones and other detail of the projects.

23. "Most of the Governmental and Non Governmental projects in Nepal are based on Foreign Aids." Why? Present four reasons.

 Answer: Most of the government and non government projects in Nepal are based on foreign aids because of following reasons.

  1.  Nepal is a poor country and still lacks in so many sectors. It can't afford to invest alone in development.
  2. Our politics is always looking for an opportunity to misuse the grants and aids.
  3. Nepal's image at international level is dismal. Thus various countries want to invest in Nepal for political benefit.
  4. Nepal isn't able to get out of political instability and stand on its own feet own fat for development.

24.  Can Nepal get prosperity by exporting hydroelectricity? Give your logics in four points.

 Answer: Yes, Nepal can get prosperity by exporting hydroelectricity because of the following reasons:

  1. Nepal can earn foreign currency through the export.
  2. Nepal becomes popular in the world through the export of hydroelectricity. This helps to promote tourism.
  3. Nepal has high potentiality of producing hydroelectricity which is more than 83000MW.
  4. The high production of electricity creates employment opportunity as well.

25. Mention any four positive changes caused by Pancheswar Hydroelectricity Project afier its completion in Far Western Region.

Answer: Any four positive changes that would appear in FWDR after the completion of Pancheswar Hydroelectricity Project are:

  1. The load shedding problem in the region would end forever. (i) There would be greater development of industries and trade.
  2. The horizon of knowledge expands as the accessibility to communication will increase.
  3. The economy of the region would be promoted.

26.  Midhill Highway is one of the ongoing projects of Nepal. State is importance in four points.

 Answer: The importance of the Mid-hill highway can be:

  1. The highway will highly facilitate the people in the Hilly region since it runs from East to West (Mechi to Mahakali) in the region.
  2. The transportation problem in the region would be solved to greater degree.
  3. Even the people of Himalayan region would be benefitted with easy access to hilly and Terai regions.
  4. The vegetables, crops, fruits and other products produced in the region can easily be exported and required items can be imported. (import and export of goods, crops, fruits, vegetables, etc. become easier).
  5. It will help to control migration to Terai.

27. Write any four problems faced by the development projects in Nepal.

Answer:  Any four problems faced by the development projects in Nepal are:

  • Lack of Fund: Many of the ongoing projects or new projects suffer and are often halted in the middle due to lack of budget/capital. Consequently, many of them cannot be completed on time or are given up in the middle.
  • Political Instability: With political instability, many plans and policies made earlier change. This largely affects the smooth running of the projects.
  • Strike by Trade Unions: Many big projects are closed or padlocked by the employees or the labourers. They halt on works by demanding the increase of salary, incentives or putting other unnecessary demands. Nowadays, even the local communities put on job demand or other sorts of facilities to them.
  • Load Shedding: Nepal suffers from a heavy power crisis. The load shedding lasts for a longer time in everyday schedule. With this, the costs of the projects go high or cannot be completed on time.


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