Sustainable Development Exercise: Questions and Answers | Class 10 social studies exercise Unit - 2 Lesson - 1

Exercise of  Sustainable Development with Solutions of Social Studies.
Sustainable Development Exercise

1. Explain in short about sustainable development?

Answer: Raising the condition of a place or the country prioritizing both aspects like development and environment with wise and sensible consumption of natural resources of the earth is called sustainable development

2. State the goal of sustainable development.

Answer: Its goals are: alleviating poverty through higher and stable economic achievement, environmental protection through sensible and wise consumption of natural resources, emphasis universal aspects of human development.

 3. What do you mean by Brundtland Commission?

Answer: Bruntdland Commission is a United Nation's authorized commission to work out on the issues of environment and development which submitted a report entitled 'Our Common Future' at the UN's 42 General convention in 1987.

4. State the Nepal's agenda for sustainable development, 2060.

 Answer: The overall goal of sustainable development is to mitigate poverty by availing fundamental means to at least the present citizens and future generation, as well as actively generate and create opportunities in social, economic, political, cultural and ecological sectors.

5. On what things should we care for sustainable development?

Answer: Sustainable development is a very sensitive thing. Accountability from everybody is very essential. Following things should be done for sustainable development:

i.                    Emphasis should be given on plantation of trees, their protection along with environment

ii.                  The state should initiate on the use of alternative and renewed energy sources.

iii.                The massive exploitation of stones, sand should be stopped from the rivers.

iv.                Control and awareness programmes should be strongly adopted to control population.

v.                  Unplanned and random construction of roads or other similar projects should be strongly discouraged.

 6. Mention the advantages of sustainable development.

Answer: The result of sustainable development is obviously positive. It can make a lot of social, economic and environmental impacts. Following are the advantages:

i.                    Environment is well-protected because of it.

ii.                  Future generation gets secured.

iii.                It helps to achieve means and resources, generate it regularly and its conservation.

iv.                It supports on equal and wise distributions of means and resources.

v.                  It helps for the huge economic attainment.

vi.                It is supportive in recycling, reusing and renewing of means and their promotion.

7. What aspects should be focused while conducting any project according to the concept of sustainable development?

Answer: According to the concept of sustainable development, while launching any projects, following sectors should be focused on

i.                    Social/ Cultural

ii.                  Economic

iii.                Environmental

iv.                Political

v.                  Humanitarian

vi.                Administrative

8. What do you think should be done by Nepal for sustainable development?

Answer: Nepal is a developing country. There are illiterate and unaware people as well.

 As such, following things should be done for sustainable development:

i.                    The state should be very sensible towards making appropriate policies, law and order and maintaining it.

ii.                  There should be strong and efficient mechanism to properly plan and execute between development and environment.

iii.                Everybody should be trained, taught and encouraged for making wiser way of reusing, recycling and renewing of energy sources.

iv.                Inappropriate exploitation of natural resources should be prohibited and stopped.

9. Present a model of a plan you make for a development project that is going to be conducted in your locality with the concept of sustainable development.

Answer: Model of a plan

Name of the project: Lew River Mini Hydro-Project

Location Site Chisapani Village Development Committee Lodiya, Ilam

Investor Company: Shree Antu Developers and Mai Valley Developers Co Ltd. (Jointly) s

Hydro-Project capacity: 2.5 Mw

Estimated amount: 50 Million.

Targeted duration of completion: 3.5 years (if not affected by political impacts and natural disasters)

Targeted beneficiaries: surrounding 20 VDCs

Possible impacts on environment: The utilization of existing local road need to be expanded for which few trees stretching on the way of around 5 km have to be cut off; similarly stones and sand deposited in the nearby local river will be exploited for the infrastructure construction like roads, dams, power house and office buildings, people and minor wild animals in the nearby jungle may be affected by dust and noise pollution until completed. Facilities ensured for the people: The local people will be assured with around 10 % of ordinary shares of the total investment; the skilled and unskilled manpower would be given preference in technical and administrative sector with prior trainings.

Mitigatory measures: Utmost preference would be given to ensure lesser environmental damage, as all the technical, legal, social, economic issues aspects have been passed by the government of Nepal. The team of engineers has regularly been mobilized for instruction, inspection and supervision. Prospect of this project: The place is close to terai, huge amount of cultivation is done by the people, so rice mills and oil mills can run there. Similarly there are two tea factories, which will run effectively never running short of energy.

10. Unmanaged development causes nothing than destruction' clarify this statement with examples discussing among the group.

 Answer: Development is a dynamic process, and it is essential. The growing population and development should go simultaneously. Development enhances our lives to modified condition. Out of various types of infrastructural development, construction of roadways, hydro-electricity, cable car, bridges etc. are especially considered sensitive because physical environment is directly affected with human and wild lives.

One should always be aware that development is not a matter of overnight change. There are various processes to be conducted before any developmental work is executed. Proposal making, funding and budgeting, accumulating necessary documents, technical survey, acquiring approval from the concerned government authority etc are inevitable preliminary processes. If anyone ignores these minimum requirements and makes haste with unsystematic approach, there is nothing than to regret. For a wider network between village and towns or cities roadways is very important. Without regular surveys, instruction and supervision of the engineers and technicians, the opening of the tracks would be disastrous. They adopt the idea of damaging fewer trees. It may be more sensitive in especially hilly and Himalaya areas. Doing it systematically would have less impact of landslide. Systematic and well-managed developmental process results to sustainable development with positive outcomes.

11. Describe the objectives of Sustainable Development.

Answer: The objectives of sustainable development are described below.

a. To support in poverty alleviation is an objective of sustainable development. As it encourages for proper use of means and resources, it strengthens the earning of the people. lt also generates more employment opportunities for the commons.

b. To develop and progress in humanity means that humanitarian essence is established among the groups of people divided on the basis of caste, creed, culture, spatial resources etc. due to appropriate consumption of natural resources. Right cultural practices are brought in where there is prosperity.

c. Good relation between means and resources and humans makes development. To make sure for effective conversation of environment, there should be public involvement in every affair.

d. To make optimum consumption of available means and resources reduces environmental hazards.

12. Compose a conversation held between two friends on 'the essence of sustainable development.

Answer: (Two friends of a village and the same school planned to visit the nearby built hydro-project)

 Ravi: Hello Hari, are you ready for our plan?

 Hari: Of course, I had the meal and heading to meet you to visit the site as we planned.

 (Walking down for around half an hour they come to the hydro-power building site)

Hari: Ravi, this place is so wonderful, full of heavy vehicles, too many people working in group. Look, the flow of the river has been changed to other side. Our village is getting a new life with the construction of wider road.

Ravi: It is good, but you see so many trees got wasted around, our teacher had said that cutting off trees would cause landslide in the monsoon season.

Hari: That is; right, but when I heard my father and other neighbours speaking, I learnt that this project doesn't only bring change in our lives but it is doing its best to conserve environment too. The engineers are too conscious for it. And Ravi, do you think that without cutting off few trees, construction of roads or hydro-power become completed?

Ravi: Yes, my concern is both on development and protection of environment. I am not against development. My opinion is that caring of environment is a foremost preference. There should not be any haphazard use of means and resources.

Hari: We should also be very conscious regarding the conservation of environment. We should also show initiatives to do replantation when we cut down the trees. But we have also seen that many river banks in some areas of the hills and terai have been exploited unwisely that may cause serious problems in the future. Likewise; in the name of commercialization, the use of pesticides and insecticides have damaged the natural productive power of the land as well as our health.

Ravi: In fact, this should be our concern. The modern world should be very conscious regarding sustainable development. We must show our boldness towards rejecting any development that does not sustain for long term.

13. There might be some development projects ongoing in your locality that threats the concept of sustainable development. Visiting that site, identify the sectors that have to be reformed.

 Answer: I am from Kavre district. All the villages and municipality areas lie in the hilly region. It lies in Bagmati zone and is very near to capital city, but so many areas suffer from the misfortune of lying in the rural area.

 After a long awaited patience and pressure, road construction project is taking place there. It has been identified that a "B' class construction company called Himali Builders and Developers Co. Ltd. has got the contract to complete the local road construction. The road network connects several villages of about seven village development committees, where the people were almost hopeless of getting road links. It is approximately of 100 kms. From the district headquarter the road construction is taking place at the northern east lying in the border of Sindhupalchowk and Ramechhap districts. It is definitely such a project of positive optimism and the villagers are getting delighted of their forthcoming future days. But many people who do not know the fact is that the construction company has not been serious on environmental issues. Some educated people have reported the fact that there came no any experts or engineers for making effective survey and technical Instruction. In the name of construction, the trees have been mercilessly destroyed. It is said that some people of vested interest took some unfair advantage of those trees for their personal sake. The road tracks have been reported of building narrower for at least two vehicles to pass by.

 As we learnt about these drawbacks, some of the young educated fellow being, originally belonging to one of these villages, had visited there. One of the fellow who had studied engineering in the capital city showed some serious concern after going through some paper documents of the project. My friend made few queries to the concerned authority available in the project site about some technical aspects whish were not fulfilled as per the agreement made with the government.

 He objected on the way the trees were so randomly and unnecessarily destroyed. He also inquired on the disappearance of the engineers and technicians in the site area.

Similarly, my friend advised to make a fulfilment of, the width criteria of minimum five metres. He also pointed out and inquired for the reason on delaying for the construction of time length, because the contractor had seemed delaying the project without reason just completing 10 percent in two years period. A regular survey and technical assistance is required but that was not provided there. He pointed out that mistake and alarmed for its effective and efficient acceleration.

14. When and where was the UN Conference on the Human and Environment held first?

 Answer: The UN Conference on the Human and Environment was first held in 5-16 June, 1972 in Stockholm, Sweden.

15. Mention an objective of Sustainable Development

Answer: To assist the community in alleviation of poverty is an objective of Sustainable Development.

16.  When was the concept of Sustainable Development introduced?

Answer: The concept of Sustainable Development was introduced in 1987 AD.

17. Write a characteristic of Sustainable Development.

Answer: A characteristic of sustainable development is it helps in sustainable management of means and resources available locally.

18. What is "Our Common Future"?

Answer: "Our Common Future" is the concept of Sustainable Development as its prime principle.

19. State Nepal's agenda for sustainable development, 2060

Answer: The overall goal of sustainable development is to mitigate poverty by availing fundamental means to at least the present citizens and future generation, as well as actively generate and create opportunities in social, economic, political, cultural and ecological sectors.

20. What should be considered most for Sustainable Development? Describe

Answer: Sustainable development is the concept of development that promotes environmental preservation and optimum utilization of means and resources. It encourages for development without destruction of nature in large.

The following things should be considered most for sustainable development.

a. Environmental balance should be kept in priority so that it reduces destruction of nature in the name of development. The originality of environment should be maintained for preserving nature for the people of upcoming generations, too.

b. The environment is composed of biotic and abiotic factors in the nature. Protection of biodiversity breeds the new one and fulfils the need of its consumers. Besides, it maintains the nature.

c. Conservation of forest and other resources is essential for sustainable development. Protecting forest protects all other resource in the environment.

d. Development made once should meet the needs of people for long. They should be durable and maintainable. Long-term development reduces the over expenses in the name of development.

21. Explain the advantages of Sustainable Development.

Answer: Long-term development simply means sustainable development. It emphasizes on protecting the nature as well.

The advantages of sustainable development are depicted below.

a. Sustainable management of locally available means and resources

b. Handing over safe future to the new generation

c. Emphasis on reuse, recycle and renew approaches

d. Conservation of environment

e. Assuring high and appropriate economic growth

f. Justifiable distribution of resources

g. Control consumerist culture

h. Achievement, mobilization and conservation of resources

22. What should we emphasize more while launching projects according to the concept of sustainable development?

Answer: Proper interaction of human beings with the nature creates development and the way it is performed determines the sustainability of development. In general, ecofriendly conducts make sure for the execution of sustainable development.

To launch any projects according to the concept of sustainable development, we should emphasize the following matters.

 a. The need of development should not be pricier than the preservation of environment. The less care we pay, the more destruction we bear. So, development should be within the limit of preservation of nature.

b. More should be benefitted from the development that also preserves the nature.

c. Proper testing and experiment on the possibility of loss should be made before starting the projects.

d. Management of residential sites should be done in the way that it does not harm them in any way.

e. Proper management of disposal should be done accordingly.

23. Choose one of the projects going on in your community and present your ideas to operate the project according to the principles of sustainable development. You may take support of the following subtitles.

As a resident of SaniArjun Municipality, Ward no - 3, Madanpur. Jhapa, I present the details in the following ways.

a. Name of the project: Arjundhara Khanepani Yojana

b. Location: Saniarjun Municipality, Ward no-3, Jhapa

c. Objectives

To supply pure drinking water to the people of Saniarjun Municipality

d. Conditions of public participation

As the project has been supported by the District Development Committee and Saniarjun Municipality financially and technically for fifty percent of the investment, there will be fifty percent borne by the local people. A special operation committee is formed from among the consumers and everything regarding the project will be decided by the group.

e. Expected capital

About 15 lakhs of the capital is expected for the project and 50% of which will be managed by the District Development Committee and the Saniarjun Municipality. Rest of the funds is generated from the local people and their contribution of labor.

f. Duration of the project

Tentatively the project is supposed to be completed in the duration of 12 months from the date of its beginning.

g. Targeted group

The local people of Saniarjun Municipality are the targeted group of the project.

h. Alternatives to minimize possible environmental hazards

Arjundhara Khanepani Yojana is constructed to supply pure drinking water to the residents of Saniarjun Municipality. It covers an area of about 400 sq. km. and fulfils the need of about 250000 people living in the municipality.

 To minimize possible environmental hazards in the area due to the project, the following policy is followed.

a. By the involvement of the experts, there will be a detail survey made to estimate the possible situation of destruction.

b. Very scientific tools and technologies are used to find the geo- physical situation of the area and programmes are determined accordingly.

c. Protection of nature and its bio-physical diversity is considered important and is given top propriety.



Sustainable Development:

Raising the condition of a place or the country prioritizing both aspects like development and environment with wise and sensible consumption of natural resources of the earth is called sustainable development.

Development: Change in the state of infrastructures, improvement in socio-cultural aspects, and use of scientific and technological tools, economic growth etc. together means the development.

Infrastructure of Development: The basic systems and services those are necessary for a country or an organization to run smoothly, for example- buildings, transport, power and water supplies etc. stand for infrastructures of development.

Objectives of Sustainable Development:

a. To support in poverty alleviation

b. To develop and progress in humanity

c. To make sure for effective conversation of environment

d. To make optimum consumption of available means and resources

e. To have high, stable and long-term economic growth

f. To maintain social justice for needy, differently-able and women

Characteristics of Sustainable Development:

a. Helps in sustainable management of means and resources

b. Assists in handing over safe and secured future

c. Prioritizes for environmental conservation

d. Facilitates mobilization and conservation of means and resources

e. Regulates the consumerists culture

f. Promotes wide and high economic growth

g. Encourages for renewing, recycling and reusing resources and promotes them

Dimensions of Sustainable Development:

  • Economic Status
  • Socio-cultural Aspects
  • Effective and accountable administration
  • Political Situation
  • Humanity based activities
  • Preserved Environment


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