Provinces of Nepal Exercise: Questions and Answers | Class 10 Social Studies Unit 1.4

Provinces of Nepal Exercise: Questions and their Solutions.

1. How many states has Nepal been divided into according to the Constitution of Nepal-2072?

Ans: Nepal has been divided into seven states according to the Constitution of Nepal- 2072.

2. What are the major bases of dividing Nepal into the states?

Ans: The major bases of dividing Nepal into the states are identity and capacity.

3. In which of the seven states do you want to live and why?

Ans: I want to live in the state number 3 as it has the federal capital of Nepal and is more developed than other states.

4. Write a sentence comparing the concept of five development regions with the concept of seven states in Nepal.

Ans: The concept of seven states is better than the concept of five development regions because states would have their own Government and develop necessary programmes for their development themselves.

5. In which province of Nepal is your resident site located? What are the special features of your province? Describe in three points.

Ans: My resident site is located in the Province no one. It is a beautiful province covering an area of 25,905 square kilo meter (18% of total land mass of Nepal) and the population is about 45 lakh. The three special features of the province are:

i.                    It is extended in all the three ecological belts of Nepal, Mountain, Hill and Terai. It includes production of all kind of agro-products and fulfills each others needs.

ii.                   It has very important places that can be the attraction for internal as well as international tourists.

iii.                Though the region is filled with the people of varieties of ethnic, lingual and identical specialty, everyone lives in respect and harmony.

6. In which of the seven provinces is there less number of industries? What are the other possibilities for the development of this province? Discuss.

Ans: The province number six has less number of industries among the seven provinces of Nepal. It has dry and cold climate. It covers the Mountain and Hill regions in western Nepal. It covers an area of 29,984 sq. km. with the population of about 11.5 lakh.

 The other possibilities for the development of this province are:

i.                    It has places for attraction of tourists as it has Kanjirowa and Patarasi mountains. Similarly, Rara and Sey-Phoksundo lakes are there. Deuti Bajai, Chandannath, Sey Gumba, Kakre Bihar are the major religious places in the province. It can make better earnings promoting these sites as tourist destination.

ii.                  Yarsagumba like important herbs is found in this province which can be traded for good income.

iii.                As there are huge pasture land available in the province, animal husbandry can be another source of income for the people of this region.

iv.               From the rivers, like Tila, Veri, Sani Veri, Humla Karnali, Mugu Karnali there can be production of hydro power and exported to other province for making income.

8. In which state of Nepal is there more land good for agriculture? How does it influence the development of that province?

Ans: In the Province number one there is more land good for agriculture. The province has been the highest contributor for national income from agriculture, too. The Terai region produces paddy and jute as the major agro products. In the Hill there are Cardamom, Ginger, Tea and varieties of vegetables produced. In the mountain there is probability of tourism and herbs production. Each eco belt has its own potential for development and can contribute equally for the income of the province.

As agriculture is the substantial source of income for the province number one, it in total contributes the highest for uplifting the income of the region. As majority of the people are involved in agriculture, there is more arable land suitable for agriculture. If the farmers are just supported by the authority briefly, there can be the agriculture made more scientific. It may be commercialized up to the limit that it can fulfill the need of other provinces, too.

Not only the food crops, but also the cash crops have high potential for production and export. Besides the market of India and other close neighbours, Nepal has been exporting them to abroad. Broadening the trend of benefits in the region not only by promoting its agriculture, but also it contributes for national economy.

Agriculture as the best practiced occupation in the province number one does not limit in the region only. It becomes a supporting partner for the provinces that have less arable land.

9. Which of the seven states has more snow-covered areas? What impacts can be observed there on development due to this?

Ans: Among the seven states of Nepal, the state number six has more snow covered areas. It is extended in the Hill and Mountain region of mid-hill of Nepal. It includes Rukum, Mugu, Jumla, Humla, Kalikot like districts which are located at high altitude. These places are also Influenced by the winter rain begun form the Mediterranean and Caspian seas. Rainfall in winter causes more snow fall there as well.

Snowfall has been a blessing for the farmers there though there is less alluvial area. It is believed that better snowfall increases the growth of agro-products yearly. It is to mean that the more snowfall s caused there, the better growth of agricultural products. So it is good for the farmers. Also the perennial rivers originated from the mountains of the province have abundant water throughout the year. They are good for hydro power production.

On the other hand, it becomes problematic for majority of the people in the region. Almost half of the year the human life is partially paralyzed there. Schools, health services and other activities are affected. Development activities are slowed down and hindrances appear in human life. In many cases heavy snowfall causes problems in the people there.

10. What are the problems and challenges for development in the province six? Write in points.

Ans: Province six covers an area of 29,984 sq. km. (20%) and has 11.5 lakh (5%) of total population. Thakuri, Bahun, Kshetri, Dalit, Bhote etc. are the major castes of the province. Deuti Bajai, Chandannath, Shey Gumba, Kakre Bihar are the religious sites.  Tila, Bheri, Sani Veri, Humla Karnali, Mugu Karnali like rivers are there in the province.

Birendranagar, Chhinchu, Salli Bazar, Jumla are the important trade centers. Sikta, Babai, Banganga, Tinau are the major irrigation projects in the province. Looking at all the details mentioned above, province six has equal possibilities for its development. Some of the problems that the province faces are presented below.

i.                    The province is extended only in Hill and Mountain regions of Nepal. It shows the province has insufficient development of infrastructures.

ii.                   Agriculture land is not enough in the region. As a result, the region has to focus on other means of earning for livelihood which is more expensive cause.

Similarly, there are several sectors to be further improved. Some of them are even more challenging. Some of the challenges in the regions are mentioned below.

i.                    As the region has major irrigation projects in the country, it has to uplift the agricultural commercialization, so that the people may be benefitted.

ii.                  Production of hydro power from the perennial rivers is another challenge in the province. As electricity is another source for flourishing the development, it has to abundantly be produced which is a big challenge in the province.

11. What should be the bases for comparing a state with another? Write the possibilities of development between the province two and seven.

Ans: Every state has to be self-reliant and uniformly developed in the nation. For e reason, every state should have enough resources similarly distributed. So, distribution of natural resources and essence of communal identity should be considered as important bases while comparing one state with another. The possibilities of development between the province number two and seven are described below.

Province No-2

Covering an area of 9661 sq. km. (79%) and having the population size of 54 lakh (20%), this province is extended in the eight districts of the Terai of Nepal. There are Yadav, Tharu, Muslim, Jha etc. as major residents in this province.

Development of any regions depends on the economic sources of the region. Regarding the possibilities of development for the province two, the following points are presented.

Parts of the East-west highway and Hulaki Highway lie in the province. Connectivity between the districts is high and mobility of people and products increases income for the region.

i.                    Comparing with other regions, there are the highest number of industries and factories. It becomes the main source of income for the region.

ii.                  Many trade centers, like- Birganj, Lahan, Chandranigahapur etc. are the trading regions in the province that empower the income of the people.

iii.                 Janaki temple, Gadhimai etc.arę the tourist centers in the province which promote tourism in the region.

iv.               More industries, more trades and more tourism mean that there is more tax collected as the income of the province.

v.                 Highly productive soil and open boarder with India strengthens the earnings of people in the region.

 Province No-7

This province covers an area of 19,539 sq. km. (13%) and has the population of 25 lakh (10%). Located in the western most part of Nepal this province also has equal potential for its development. Some of the bases for its development are mentioned here under.

i.                    Tourism probability is very high in this region. Shuklaphanta Conservation Area, Khaptad National Park, Mt. Api and Saipal located in this region.

ii.                   Projects of national pride, like- Tanakpur Barrage, Pancheshwar Multipurpose Project, West-Seti Hydro Power Projects are there in this province.

iii.                 Agricultural production in the region is better and sustains the need of the people there.

iv.               Production of paddy and oilseeds is abundant there that betters up the economy of this region.

12. Choose one of the development projects of your province and write how it can be made more beneficial for the people of your province.

Ans: As a resident of the province number one, I choose the Mid-Híll Lokmarga (Pushpalal Marga) as an important development project in the province. Starting from Chiyo Bhanjyang, Chyangthapu (Panchthar), the highway extends up to Jhulaghat (Baitadi. covering the mid-hill regions of entire Nepal. This project is fully invested by the Government of Nepal (about 1776 km.). The Mid-Hill Lokmarga (Pushpalal Marga) will be a milestone for the development of this area. The benefits that the people of my province get from the completion of this project are mentioned here.

i.                    23 districts, 215 villages and 70 lakhs of the population will be benefitted from this project and become able to get connected with the road.

ii.                  Urbanization will be managed and speeded up.

iii.                Local products can be commercialized and economic development will be better.

iv.               Development of other infrastructures will be better.

13. "Geography and population is the blessing for development." Supporting the statement, write a speech and present it to your teacher.

Ans: Respected Teacher

My friend competitors and other friends

It feels great to be standing in front of you all and present the speech on the title. I present my speech this way. Geography here means the way in which the physical features of a place are arranged. Similarly, population means the people who live in a particular place in definite time.

Geography determines the life style of people and their economic level of living. Population is to utilize the available geo-physical resources for their benefits. Agriculture, climate and topography are the influential aspects of human life. Though they are physical aspects of nature, they are instantly consumed by human beings and other creatures for meeting their needs; Population means the human power that can make efforts for beautifying the environment, also the geography. Human power maintains the occupational processes on land, water etc. They plant crops, harvest them and leave their residues in nature. Such activities maintain the natural process on environment. Maintenance of environment maintains human life and the life of every being.

Appropriate presence of geographical features helps in sustainable existence of human life. Scarcity of resources in nature causes human life suffers from complexity. So, good geographical resources fulfill human life and human takes care of it. So, geography and population is the blessing for development.

Thank you.




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