Human Resource development Exercise: Questions and Solutions | Class 10 Social Studies Unit: 1 Lesson: 1

Human Resource development Exercise: Questions and Solutions
Human Resource development Exercise: Questions and Solutions

1. What is meant by human resource?

Ans: Human resource means a productive resource which can enable in efficient and wise utilization of natural resources.

2. What is CTEVT?

Ans: CTEVT (Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training) is a state owned organization established in B. S. 2045. The objective of this organization is to make relevant policies, curriculum, conducting tests to those students of various affiliated technical institutions so as to produce qualified and efficient manpower required for the country.

3. Differentiate in a sentence between the Human Resource Development and Human Resource management.

Ans: Human resource development refers to the phase of planning and preparation of any sorts of human resources required for any organization or the country in future, where as the Human Resource management refers to overall promotion and development of all the workers and organization so that autonomous working environment can be enhanced.

4. What sort of planning has been done in order to develop human resource in our country?

Ans: Though there still lacks formulated policies from the state, but gradual attempts have been made to address the development of human resource, such as-establishment of CTEVT to provide technical education, priorities are given through periodic plannings and annual fiscal budget.

5. What kind of human resources plan should we prepare in order to transform our country into the status of developed countries?

Ans: It is essential for us to prepare the plan through experts. Our country desperately needs maximum number of skilled and technical manpower. State policy should be flexible enough to run a range of educational institutes along with wide reach trainings. Along with it, the state should create employment opportunities.

6. What is skilled- human resource? Write any three measures to develop it.

Ans: Skilled human resource means such a valuable asset for the whole country coming a long way through tough study, training or work experience. For example: doctor, engineer, pilot, teacher etc.

Any three measures to develop it are as follows:

i.              Availability and provision of technical education.

ii.             Conducting various trainings, workshops and professionally supportive programmes.

iii.            Effective work environment and promotional opportunities.

 7. How can the possible challenges in human resources development be faced?

Ans: Our country is in the transitional phase at present in the context of overall human development issues. Political changes and and our social awakening has left a great impact in the development of human resources as well. So there are chances of facing challenges in its development, which have to be faced in the following ways:

i.              The state should form positive and lucrative policies.

ii.             There should be a research on balancing the demand and supplies of the a manpower required.

iii.            There should be co-ordination, proper management among the concerned authorities in production and adjusting the produced manpower.

iv.           The youth human resources should be addressed according to relevant and modern trend and technologies.

 9. Suppose, you were invited to deliver a speech about 'the need of developing skilled manpower on the anniversary day of CTEVT representing a student. Prepare a model of your speech that you delivered there.

Ans: Respected chairperson and all the senior and junior attendants,

It's my pleasure to have this wonderful chance to talk on the most relevant and important topic of the time at present. As the present world has been facing tough challenges in every sector we are concerned with. The condition of the underdeveloped and developing countries is yet vulnerable and inexplicable. I represent this kind of country which has a complex kind of poverty and backwardness. It's all because of lacking such efficient manpower that we require making wise utilization of our rich and abundant natural resources. Our whole system is responsible to jeopardize our condition. We have been left far behind in promoting our country and ourselves. The ratio of our population and the produced or available human resources has an unmatchable bitter data. Remaining unproductive despite huge potentialities Is an alarming condition. The produced human resource has a growing trend of draining abroad for better opportunities, career and security of their lives. So, I think it is an utmost need that the government and the concerned authorities should address upon the production of manpower and adjusting them in their country with better opportunities.

On the other hand, we should not ignore the contribution of the CTEVT in bringing the rays of optimism through its role played in providing training of vocational subjects. I would suggest that this trusted organization should not be the part of dirty politicalization in its policy promoting and operational activities.

10. Prepare a short article on 'Our School's Human Resource Development' on the basis of given questionnaire asked to the SMC (School Management Committee) chairman and the Principal of your own school with the necessary guidelines from your respective subject teacher.

i.              What is meant by human resource development in terms of school?

ii.             Why should human resource development be done at school?

iii.             What sorts of plan have been made in this school in order to develop human resource?

iv.            In order to promote the standard of this school, comparing the surrounding schools, what sort of human resource plan should be made for future? Why?

v.            What shorts of challenges and difficulties may occur in this school while planning for the human resources development and its plan?

vi.           What are the methods and ideas to tackle those potential challenges?

Human Resource Development in our School

 Our School XYZ Secondary School, located in Kathmandu is developing as an exemplary school at present among the entire locality. Its growing popularity is an outcome of gradual change in teaching- learning activity, effective management and exciting participatory role of the community members. As a student of this school, I had interacted with the respected School Management Committee chairman Nanda Kumar Shrestha and its Principal Man Karki am grateful to my subject teacher Raj Niroula for his invaluable support in guiding me for this report.

Meaning of Human resource Development in School

The entire aspects of our lives have gone more complex in this modern world. The traditional system prevailed in education may not be useful and productive. This school has decided upon changing the traditional trend of education. As such it has made some aggressive decisions to train the students so that they can divert their live with useful occupation. Providing cheaper and result-oriented education in a small locality is an outcome of committed and dedicated service.

Essence of doing human resource development in school

It is often believed that school is a root base for learning anything new and useful. Practice of implementing something new through school will be an inspiration and motivation for the youngsters to find values for their lives in future. Being accountable for one's community is a proud act. If the entire SMC shows concern, there will be a productive outcome. Like our school, if other school and their SMC get motivated, then there start a realm of positive changes.

10. Why is Human Resource important?

 Ans: For establishing good relationship between the organization and its stakeholders, Human Resource is important.

11. Define Skilled Human Power.

 Ans: A highly efficient and academically sound person that is familiar with recent technological development and is eligible to accomplish the task as necessary is termed as Skilled Human Power.

12. Clarify the relationship between human resource and employment.

Human resource means the people with skills and efficiency in certain field. Employment stands for the situation in which people have work, primarily to earn money. They are interrelated on different basis which can be presented in the following points.

a. According to the availability of human resource, employment opportunities are produced.

b. Existing employment opportunity determines the type of human resource to be produced in the country.

c. Human resource directs development and development determines the type of employment.

d. Various trainings are held to develop human resource and that fulfills the need of employment.

13.  With the help of your teacher, meet the Headmaster of your school and Chairperson of the School Management Committee. And, find the answers to the following questions to prepare a short article.

·        What does Human Resource Development in school mean?

Human resource development in school means to build up the capacity of students and teachers for fulfilling the requirement of human resource in school and the nation.

·        Why should human resource be developed in school?

 Human resource should be developed in school for making its stakeholders able to meet its goals and make sure for its sustainable achievements.

·        What short of plan should be developed in school for the development of human resource?

The plan that is made in the school for the development of human resource should include the following things:

i.               Punctuality of all the persons

ii.              Accountability in conducts

iii.             Accomplishment of the assignments

iv.            Discipline and Following Code of Conduct

14.  What challenges may appear while making human resource development plan in school?

Ans: While making human resource development plan in school, the challenges may appear are:

i.              Less resource

ii.             Conflict

iii.            Time management

15. How can we deal with the challenges?

 The challenges can be dealt by the following ways:

i.               Discussion

ii.             Mutual Talks

iii.            Coordination with the authority

iv.           Goal Determination


Human Resource

Human resource means a productive resource which can enable in efficient and wise utilization of natural resources.


Skilled Human Resource

Semi-Skilled Human Resource

Unskilled Human Resource

Needs of Human Resource Development

To determine the type, quality and need of human resource and fulfill them

To recruit the required human resource when needed and manage over staffing

To determine the costing of human resource in organizations and increase or decrease the number

To study the type of human resource required in the nation and determine the possibility of their availability

To produce variation in the performance of human resource and find the status of human resource available in the market

To develop productivity of the organizations by managing the available human resource rightly

Importance of human resource development

 For managing the human power of all levels and types in every organization For meeting the requirement of human resource as per the need of organizations

For empowering the level of efficiency of all kind of human resource for Smooth completion of their jobs

For emerging incentive plan for the human resource and planning their need even in future

For developing effective communication, monitoring and leadership in the organizations

For establishing good relationship between the organization and its stakeholders

 For utilizing time property, mobilizing capital, managing energy, minimizing the loss and orienting the training

Procedure of human resource management

Observe the objectives of the organizations and determine the goals Prepare necessary human resources

 Design development plan and determine structure of the organization and human resource recruitment procedure

 Analyze the kind of work, type of employment, number and quality of employees

Hold reinforcement trainings for the employees and empower their will power

Challenges and Foresight of Human Resource Development in Nepal


Less employment opportunity- high rate of foreign employment

Better revenue collection- but obstacles in the development of nation Development of competitive human resource for national and international market

Insufficiency of human resource development policy

Problems in development and execution of long term strategy for human resource improvement and utilization


Development of able and skilled human resource to compete in national and international market

Balance between the demand and supply of human power Emphasis on technical education and vocational trainings to create employment/ self-employment

Launching integrated programmes for developing skilled human power Promoting capability of the organizations related to development of human power

Formation and execution of human power development policy Redefining work' and designing work oriented education


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