Executive of Nepal Exercise: Questions and Answers | Social Studies Unit-5 Lesson-2

Social Studies Executive of Nepal Exercise | Unit-5 Lesson-1
Executive of Nepal Exercise

1. What is rule of law?

Answer: Rule of law means rule done according to the law of the country without the involvement of order or threat of an autocratic ruler.

2. What is multi-party system?

Answer: Multi-party system is a political system in which more than one political parties can be established according to the law. Such political parties can contest the election and can form their own government.

3. What do you mean by democratic (Loktantrik) republic?

Answer: The parliamentary system with the president formed through democratic processes and by general consensus is known as democratic (Loktantrik) republic.

4. What is meant by executive?

Answer: The executive is an administrative organ of the government that implements laws prepared by the legislature. It is also known as government or cabinet.

5. What do you understand by secular state?

Answer: The state which does not adopt any definite religion as state religion is known as a secular state.

6. Who was conferred the title of Shikhar Purush? When did he die?

Answer: The title of Shikhar Purush was conferred to Girija Prashad Koirala. He died on Chaitra 7th of 2066 B.S.

7. Which aspect of development should a minister give first priority among development of his constituency, political party and national development Give a reason.

Answer: A minister should emphasize on road construction because development of other infrastructures depend on transportation.

8. What is meant by an ordinance?

Answer: An ordinance is an order or a rule made by government in a position of authority to any administrative body.

9. Why would the principle of check and balance between Executive and Legislature be formulated? Write your concept in a sentence.

Answer: Because the check and balance principle between Executive and Legislature would make them responsible to their tasks and contribute for democratic building of a nation.

10 What efforts would you make to bring the opposition parties into the consensus of national agendas if you were the Prime Minister? Write in two points.

Answer: If I were the Prime Minister, I would make the following efforts to make opposition parties into the consensus of national agendas:

  1. I would arrange all parties meeting with maximum flexibilities.
  2. I would develop a new mechanism to address the agendas that the parties have been raising.

11. How can government's activities be popular? Write two measures


a) If government maintains good governance.

b) If its plans and programmes are pro-public.

12. According to present constitution of Nepal, it shall not be proposed motion of No Confidence against prime minister. Write your opinion in a sentence.

Answer: It is a very good provision because it would help a lot to maintain political stability and bring development in our nation.

13. According to the present constitutional provision, defeated member of election shall not be the member of council of ministers. Is it appropriate or not? Write your view in a sentence.

Answer: The provision is very good because it would help to institutionalize democracy and respect the mandate of common people.

14. Show a model of the meeting of cabinet. Present the role of Education Minister, woman and children's minister and home in the meeting.


Education Minister:

Honourable Prime Minister, it is most necessary to prepare a bill to make a law on the provision of admission procedure, affiliation procedure of medical science and also the implementation of higher secondary education provision. I have quick instructions to form a high level commission to make a system of appointing capable and efficient higher officials like De an, Registrar in different universities.

Ministry of Women and Children Ministry:

Honourable Minister

The trafficking of children in Indian cities as a servant, circus performer and prostitution has been increasing. So, I would like to prepare a bill for effective management and mitigation of it. I would like to request the ministry of finance to allocate more budgets for establishing more training centres for skill development for women and children, so that the single woman, getting divorced or remaining widowed can run independently money generating works.

Minister of Home Ministry:

Honourable Minister

We are in a crucial moment of bearing challenges to conduct three different kinds of election within a year. So, we need to keep everything ready. Mobilization of Nepal police, armed police and temporary police needs more expenses. So, I would request the finance ministry to provide around 5000 million Rs. for price vans, maintaining peace and security and run various awareness programmes.

15. Study about the provision (explanation) made about the village council, municipality in the constitution of Nepal-2072 for more information and present in your classroom.

Answer: According to the main political system, our country Nepal has been declared as a federal country. As per the confutation of Nepal-2072, the country has already been divided into seven (7) states, but he naming and some demarcation under, so to be resolved.

According to the constitutional provision, there is an essence of conducting three layers of election (Local level- village and municipal), provincial and Federal legislature) should be conducted within 2074, Magh 7. So the date for Local election has been confined for Baisakh 31", in 2074. Together with the confinement of date, the government has declared the 744 local units (4 metropolitan cities, 13 sub-metropolitan cities, 246 municipalities and 481 village councils.)

The provision of 7 different states and 744 local units are the outcome of the state reconstruction policy of the mandate of constituent assembly.

16. Introduce the executive body and mention the functions of it.

Answer: Executive body is one of the important organs of the government. This organ has its existence within the country and in the international sector. It is an authentic body that is concerned with holding and executing the policies into action. It executes the law made by the legislative body. Apart from it, it has some other important functions according to the constitution:

  1. Administrative function: The executive body is responsible to conduct day to day administrative work through its district and local government offices. There are thousands of government employees in civil service, police, army, academic institutions and the government owned corporations. The act of maintaining peace and order, policy making, directing and instructing orders and actions fall under it.
  2. Diplomatic Work: Apart from making various internal affairs, the affairs relating to another country is equally important as its success lies in maintaining diplomatic relationship with other countries determines foreign policy, expanding8 foreign relationship, appointment of diplomatic officials and representatives, holding treaties and agreements etc.
  3. Financial Functions: Economy is the main strength of country. Though in some financial sectors, there needs final approval of the legislative, but the policy making, drafting, preparing is authentically due by the executives. The annual fiscal budget is prepared by the executive body; likewise the periodic plan is prepared by it. It determines collection, revenue mobilization, taking loan etc.
  4. Military Function: Military sector is the very sensitive part of a country. t Military is mobilized for the security and defence of a country. There is a provision of National Security Council under the prime minister's chairmanship. The final declaration is done by the executive before going for a war. In case of Nepalese armies, when they aren't indulged into any war, they are involved in the rescue and relief work during natural disasters.

17. Suppose, you got chance to become a minister of the Nepal government. How would you take on the responsibility?

Answer: To become the minister of a country is a great honour and a rare chance. Becoming minister for noticeable change and reform in the country is a great success. If I got a chance to become minister of the Nepal government, would take following responsibilities.

  1. I would not only make a fake and embarrassing oath amidst the presence of the president but to make a remarkable change.
  2. I have borne the portfolio of Ministry of Education, I would immediately give instructions to all the concerned high officials to submit the problems, and complaints in the educational sector.
  3. I would try to reform the infrastructure of the community schools and colleges which still need repair and re-construction caused by earthquake.
  4. Similarly, I would give any utmost priority in strict implementation of quality promotion in the community schools all over Nepal. All the trained teachers should be energetic enough to remove the dark image of community schools.
  5. I would be making a regular meeting with the high officials, policy makers and experts in bringing dynamic change in the education sector in the new political atmosphere of federalalism and priority to reform the script and teaching of mother tongues of so many extincting languages.
  6. I would make the policy of simplifying the expenses related to medical studies and make a policy of accessibility to every people's reach.

18. Among three important bodies of the government, what are the reasons that everyone want to become the ministers in case of Nepal?

Answer: There are three organs of the government. The legislative, the executive and the judiciary. All these organs have own functions, authorities and responsibilities. There are different academic and legal provisions for being associated to these organs. Judiciary body basically requires academic requirement and terms of service period. The legislative and the executive body members get appointed as per the legal provision but they are political personalities. Despite all these, most of the people get very excited and some even play a foul role to become minister or minister because:

  1. One most important reason is because he/she can entertain with state facilities, respect of power everywhere he/ she goes.
  2. One instant comfort and ease of being appointed the minister through a short cut way without being the Member of Parliament, one can take the membership of parliament after being the member.
  3. The psychology that everyone gets excited is because he/ she can get chance to represent this country and visit foreign countries without personal expenses in a state pride with honour and allowance.
  4. In a country like Nepal, the law and state mechanism is not that such severely harsh against the politicians. They think that they can earn money through embezzlement.

19. In your community, if there is a retired official who has served the country for a long time as a government employee, she might have done several good works during her/his tenure. Meet him and ask what the good works s/he had done were.

Make a list of her/his works and request him for a message to an employee equivalent to her/his position. On the basis of the information, write a report.

Answer: In my community, there is a retired Inspector General of Police (I.G.P.) who has served the country for a long time as a government employee. S/he has done several good works during her/his tenure. When I met him and requested him to tell something that s/he had done well. So, it will become path finder for all of us including civil servants of those related field. During her/his tenure s/he had caught many people who had ignored the law and order. S/he had punished many criminals’ robbers and corrupted person to maintain law, peace and security.

According to her/his experience, the post of security personnel is a bridge between government and grassroots people. Sometimes, they have to take unpopular action against people due to the compulsion of law and sometime keep patience.

At this circumstance of the nation, her/his advice to the related personnel, it is most important to maintain the prestige of this department. He suggests for all that we should be ready to sacrifice our life for the sake of the nation. There should be good understanding a mutual co-operation between all the personnel from top to bottom.

20. What are the differences between the proclamation of 26 Chaitra 2046 and the 11h Baisakh 2063?

Answer: Differences between the proclamation of 26h Chitra 2046 and the I1h Baisakh 2063 are as follows:

Proclamation of 2046 B.S.

  • This proclamation restored the multiparty democracy system in Nepal.
  • It was proclaimed by the then king Birendra.
  • This proclamation introduced the constitutional monarchical system in our country.
  • Political parties were launching movement to announce this proclamation.
  • King became constitutional head after this proclamation.

Proclamations of 2063 B.S.

  • It restored the house of representative dissolved by king Gyanendra.
  • It was proclaimed by the then king Gyanendra.
  • This proclamation handed over all the power of the nation to the people.
  • Political parties and new emerging power-Maoist also were launching movement to overthrow the kingship system which was in practise.
  • King remained as a general citizen.

21. How do Executive and Judiciary, in accordance with the present constitution of Nepal, formulates the law? Mention in four points.

Answer: The Executive and Judiciary form the law in the following ways:

  1. Though the formulation of law is primarily vested to Legislature, the present constitution of Nepal (Constitution of Nepal 2072) has given authority to form law to Executive and Judiciary too but in certain conditions only.
  2. Executive forms law in the form of 'ordinance (Aadhyadesh) if the Legislature Parliament is not in the session or has been collapsed.
  3. Since the members of Executive are also the members of Legislature,| they raise various bills (proposed laws) in the parliament to develop as law.
  4. Judiciary forms law in the form of "precedent' (Nazir) if there exists no any law in the constitution for a particular case.

22. Criticism for the sake of opposition can be harmful for both the ruling and the opposition parties as well as for the nation. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper advising the parties to work together and play a positive role in the national development process.


The Editor

The Kathmandu Post

Kathmandu, Nepal

Subject: Working Together

Dear Madam/Sir,

It is obvious through your daily news and their behaviour that our political parties criticize each other for the sake of opposition. Criticism for the sake of opposition can be harmful for both ruling and opposition parties as well as nation.

Ruling party won't consolidate power and give definite path for its Work, if it gets unnecessary criticism frequently. Opposition parties, most of the time, do not provide constructive comments, for they want to run their government on their own. On the other hand, the initiatives that the government (ruling party) has made go in vain. Such activities obstacle country to march forward on the path of development.

There should be mutual co-operation, harmony and understanding. All parties should have 'single voice' for the sake of national development. They should try for the betterment of the life style of the people and the condition of the country. Criticism should be on misleading, power adulteration and wrong doing rather than for getting chair. Further, ruling party should enjoy or entertain constructive diagnostic and progressive criticism. These all, no doubt, bring positive change in the country.

Yours Sincerely

Ram Prasad


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